Discover Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the science of human movement and exercise. From cells to society, Kinesiology uncovers the biomechanical, physiological, neurological, and psychosocial mechanisms that drive human function and performance.

The practice of kinesiology is the assessment of human movement and performance and its rehabilitation and management to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement and performance. ( Kinesiology Act, 2007. c. 10, Sched. O, s. 3)

Kinesiology is Prevention

Kinesiologists are leaders in the prevention of injury and chronic disease. For example, the Public Health Agency of Canada found that “Physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of over 25 chronic conditions.” Those include coronary heart disease, diabetes, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, Alzheimer's disease and certain mental health conditions. As experts in human movement and exercise science, Kinesiologist’s can help Ontarians’ develop, improve and sustain healthy exercise and physical activity habits to help prevent chronic disease.

Do you want to be proactive in preventing chronic disease?

A Kin can help

Kinesiology is Management

Kinesiologists use exercise in the management of injury and chronic disease. Did you know that more than 40% of lost-time injuries in Ontario were related to musculoskeletal disorders, such as aches, strains and sprains in the workplace? Did you know that, according the Ontario Government, almost 1.5 million Ontarian’s live with diabetes? As experts in human movement and exercise science Kinesiologists include case managers who empower and assist injured clients in returning to health by leveraging key principles in movement and exercise science. Kinesiologist’s also apply those same movement and exercise science principles to help clients manage chronic conditions, like diabetes, through education, physical activity and exercise-based strategies.

Do you want support to help manage a chronic condition?

A Kin can help

Kinesiology is Performance

Kinesiologists are devoted to improving performance, health, and overall quality of life. Nearly every Ontarian can improve their performance, function and well-being with movement and exercise. Kinesiologists work with people of all ages and every level of function and physical ability to assess, track, manage and achieve a broad range of personal health goals.


Looking to improve your performance, health and overall quality of life?

A Kin can help

Kinesiology Areas of Practice

Kinesiogist’s practice in a range of settings, providing movement and exercise science related services.

Examples include:

Clinical Kinesiology Services

  • Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • Postural Evaluation and Education
  • Rehabilitative and Functional Re-training Exercise
  • Fitness Conditioning for Weight Loss, Cardiovascular Training, and Muscular Development
  • Diabetes Management Strategies
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Cancer Rehabilitation
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Mental Health Management
  • Corporate Wellness Program Design and Implementation
  • Hydrotherapy

Assessment Services

  • Home Assessment
  • Assistive/Adaptive Devices Assessment and Utilization
  • Assessment of Attendant Care Needs
  • Functional Ability Evaluation
  • Return-to-Work Coordination and Implementation
  • Case/program Management
  • Automobile Accident or Disability claims Management
  • Gait Assessment
  • Sport and Exercise Related Injury Assessment


  • Task Analysis
  • Physical Demands Description / Analysis
  • Musculoskeletal Disorder Hazard and Risk Assessment
  • Office and Industrial Workstation (Re)Design
  • Job Shadowing/coaching
  • Work Hardening Programs

Kinesiology and Education

To practice as a Registered Kinesiologist in Ontario, Kinesiologist’s must complete, at a minimum, a bachelors degree in Kinesiology. Ontario boasts 14 University-level Kinesiology programs including:

Kinesiology and Regulation

On April 1, 2013, Ontario was the first jurisdiction in the world to recognize kinesiologist’s as a self-governing health care profession. The Kinesiology Act, 2007 and Regulated Health Professionals Act, 1991 provide authority to the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO), the body responsible for the licensing of individual kinesiologists in the province. The College ensures that standards of practice are adhered to, and provides recourse for the general public in the event of a complaint against a licensed kinesiologist.

Visit the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO) to learn more about Kinesiology and Regulation